Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Throughout our filming we obviously had to use different props that would help create iconography for a gangster genre. The props we used helped develop our characters and also help create stereotypically 'gangsters' and 'chavs'. I have attached several images below which just shows you our main and most important props:


This is the knife used by Ben in the final scene also. Ben is cold hearted just like Mickey however the choice of a knife as a weapon works to create Ben's low social class image. A knife can murder just as much as a gun can however it doesn't create as much powerful imagery. The knife is also just a kitchen knife, it shows Ben lacks professionalism and is unclear with what he is doing. A hand gun can be used by all types of characters like special agents, soldiers and police men; this is because these men are all proffesional and skilled. However, a kitchen knife in a movie would only be used for killing normally by someone who has killed last minute or a chav of some sort. This is because their motives and ideas are unclear, this is why it is a good prop to use to show Ben's desperation.

This is the gun we used, owned by Mickey throughout the film. The gun connotes crime, power and murder and is also a clear enigma code. The gun helps create to the powerful status of a gangster by providing them with authority. As you can imagine, not many people confront a man holding and poiting a gun; this is what makes Mickey the stone cold gangster we want him to be. This prop was used in the final scene when coming face to face with the kidnappers Ben and Aaron.

The final main prop is the bundle of cash used in the house scene. Money connotes power, respect and hard work and this is exactly how we want our audience to picture our Johnny character. Our trailer includes a close-up shot of Johnny counting through his money, this shot is simply used to show that whatever Johnny does for a career, he does it well. With regards to codes and conventions of a Gangster genre, money is a key element because without lots of money, a gangster cannot live his flashy lifestyle or even employee his team of killers. Also Ben has targetted Johnny because he assumes he has alot of money, therefore we had to prove this was true; it makes our trailer seem more realistic.


As we have decided to include a gun into our trailer we had to locate a realistic looking toy gun that would fit into our scenes correctly. The gun we discovered was orange and therefore we had to spray paint it black. A close-up look at our gun looks rather unproffesional however we used it today for filming and also in our photoshoot and it worked perfectly!

As you can see from our poster, the gun has worked perfectly through editing skills created on the computer. The Gun has been added in to create an enigma code and also to simply include more iconagraphy into the trailer and poster.

Monday, 26 November 2012


There are different definitions for the word REPRESENTATION :

- 'something was already there and has been re-presented by the media'

-'standing in for us, being somewhere we couldn't be' e.g. society being represented by political figures.


  Entertainment and representation and the relations between them as well as music and film (including melodrama), Italian cinema (especially in its popular forms) and gay / lesbian / queer cultures.

 Dyer said: 'How we are seen determines how we are treated, how we treat  others is based on how we see them. How we see them comes from representation'.       

 -What this quote is saying and the point Richard Dyer is making is that how social groups are treated in cultural representation is part and parcel of how they are treated in life.
  •   EXAMPLE:
- HERE, is the feedback after Google searching 'teenage girl' on Google images. As Dyer explains, the way the media portrays groups of people such as teenagers for example, determines the public's opinion of how they portray them and treat them.

-Due to the media constantly focusing on the exaggerated ASBO behaviour of ALL teenagers in the modern day, teenagers as a whole are now portrayed as the well analysed image above. Factors such as good education, voluntary work and sporting achievements are put to side and forgot about by those who are injected by newspapers, magazines, tv etc.


The hypodermic needle theory was a theory that has was devised and has been developed over the years, its main influence was based in the 1930s and the 1940s. The basic idea of the theory is that whatever is put in the media is then automatically believed by its consumers. The needle is a metaphor that is used to suggest that those who create the media 'inject' their ideas into audiences.

EXAMPLE: if a newspaper article claimed that a footballer such as David Beckham was having an affair, the hypodermic needle suggests that this information is automatically believed by those who read it due to it being commercialised.

The hypodermic needle plays a massive part in representation and to a certain extent is true. However people or situations are portrayed in the media depends on a wide range of naive people's views.

Thursday, 22 November 2012


As said before we decided to visit the photography teacher of our sixth form and request permission to use their equipment to create a much more proffesional looking image that would look more powerful and more eye appealing for our audience. Below is just a quick behind the scenes image of this taking place, just to give you a quick loook at how we created our film poster image and the equipment involved:

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


I've decided to create this post to give you an insight on which actors will be playing which roles in our film and also a quick briefing of each character and their back story. We have assigned each character with an actor and i have attached an image of each character below to:

Johnny Teece (Michael Foreman)

Johnny Teece was brought up in the streets of Nottingham; with no father around he took it upon himself to fend for him and his mother. Johnny has always had a rough and ready attitude that managed to lead him down the wrong paths. Johnny had a thirst for crime and always knew he'd make himself rich one day through it. Johnny became invovled in a drug gang as a teenager and eventually worked his way up to the top; he is now the most respected drug baron in the whole of the UK. Money, power and respect all the only factors that cross his mind.

Mickey     (Alex Wright)             
Mickey is Johnny's right hand man, he controls the aggressive side of the business and deals with Johnny's problems so that Johnny doesn't have to. Mickey was born in London but spent 3 years in Nottinghamshire prison where he came across a friend of Johnnys. Whilst inside Mickey was introduced to Johnny when visiting and this is where Johnny first offered Mickey work when released. Johnny labels Mickey as his most trusted employee and keeps him by his side at all times. Mickey's ultimate loyalty lies with Johnny and he would do anything for him.
Ruby (Alice Kerry)
Ruby his Johnny's pride and joy, if there's one thing that compares with money, power and respect to him its her. Johnny met ruby 2 years ago in a local nightclub in Nottingham. Ruby has always had an act for getting herself into danger although since being with Johnny, not many people would be foolish enough to cause trouble with her. Ruby knows she is protected by Johnny and because of this she has developed a confident personality who feels she can get whatever she wants. She is seen by many as a gold digger.

Ben (Tom Teece)
Ben was born on a rough council estate in the inner city area of Nottingham, it is here were he developed his low social class and chavvy approach. Bens matching tracksuit and baseball cap allow you to understand his chavvy ways and intimidating attitude. He is a regular drug user and client of Johnny's and has managed to work himself up a substantial debt problem. Theft and drug abuse are Ben's main attributes and are found upon his outstanding criminal record. Most of his life is spent in desperation and he has now found himself in his most desperate situation yet.

Aaron  (James Noble)
Alongside Ben is Aaron, as the film will portray, Aaron is Ben's metaphorical pet. Aaron is the perfect example of a dead end and has never been capable of thinking for himself. Aaron has worked alongside Ben in many crimes and has found himself taking blame for most of it. Although he hasn't found himself in prison yet, the most likely routes for Aaron are either jail or death. Simuarly to Ben, Aaron also developed an addiction for drug use and is also dodging Johnny. The two do not think before acting and this constantly leads them into trouble with the wrong people.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Just to keep you up to date on our filming progress I am uploading some shots taken of our second day of filming. We used the other night to film our kidnapping scene. We introduced a new character to the camera this time by including Bens partner in crime, Aaron. This filming was successful and we managed to include the range of shots we wanted.

  • This was Ben, Aaron and Ruby devising a plan before filming of how exactly to insert Ruby into the boot of the car without causing to many injuries! Although we want the scene to look real we did not plan on causing any actual damage to our actors.

  •  This is a shot of the kidnap vehicle just pulling up behind Ruby and blocking her into the alleyway. We used the headlights of the car to blind Ruby and took close-up shots of her reaction to the blinding lights to create a sense of confusion and danger.

  • Once again this is another shot of the car beginning to block Ruby in the isolated alleyway. The clips show Ruby walking straight into the darkness which almost suggests she is walking into her own danger being as naive as she is. The audience know that her walking into a dark alley way can only connote danger.


We have taken our ideas and old film poster and constructed a new poster. We decided to take our main character through a photo-shoot and and add a tone of proffesionalism to the poster. Through the use of new image, lighting and adding iconography we have devised a new poster which works progressively better at grabbing the attention of our target audience.

  •  The image- as I said we used a proffesional photo shoot of our main character Johnny Teece. Throgh the effect of lighting we have managed the lighten one side of his face and darken the other side; this creates a yin/yang effect. The light and dark tones connote good and bad, this works for our character because although he is a gangster and a fellon, he is the character the audience sympathises for because he is feeling the pain. His story is the one we are concerned with and we feel pain as he does.
  • Clothing- Although the character is bearing the same clothing, we have have a clear view of his suit and overcoat this time. The last film poster only showed the back of Johnny which only gave us a view of his overcoat. Showing our audience his full outfit gives them a clear understanding of his power due to his dress sense. A black suit and overcoat are clear indications and conventions of a modern day english gangster; they provide him with an important and powerful look and add a sense of proffesionalism and seriousness.
  • Iconagraphy- The last image lacked iconagraphy; as well as the suit and overcoat, we have added in a massive give away to our genre, the characters gun. Although at the start of our filming journey we frowned upon using guns, they are massive key elements to a gangster genre and would be impossible to leave out; we do not plan on using a wide range of gun clips in the trailer but it is a good idea to include one in the poster. Not only is the gun iconograpy, it can also act as a major enigma code; the gun connotes murder and will leave the audience wondering about the purpose of the gun.



After our second day of filming we decided to use a still shot of Johnny looking out over the lake and wilderness as the cover for our film poster. We took a few a shots of Michael playing Johnny using different angles and then took looked them over and decided which one we felt was most powerful. The shot connotes sadness and confussion and it also connotes lonliness. We feel that this shot does not reveal to much about our plot but gives away the genre which helps interest our target audience. This was the first film poster created after being edited:


 However we looked at the final image on the poster and felt there was something missing. The Poster lacks iconograpy or any form of enigma codes. This poster does well to grab attention without revealing anything to much but it lacks the codes and conventions of a gangster/crime genre, if anything it seems more of a social realism film poster. We will work to create one that includes correct iconograpy, a form of enigma code and also use an image that portrays both gangster and social realism.

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Today we have decided to put everything into action and begin our filming! We all brought in our costumes and used to boiling room location to film our kidnapping shots. This part of the filming required Ben and Ruby. Below are a few snapshots of us in action and just a quick insight to how it panned out:

These are the propps we used for Ruby, as you can see we have used a chair, rope and cloth inorder to maintain her. She has wore a red dress which connotes danger and works well for our scene.

This is Ben being filmed by Ivarna as he enters the boiling room using the torch to bring light to the scene. The narrow light of the torch will allow the camera to only see what we shine it on, everything else is blacked out which creates a great focused effect. In this case, Ben is using the light to intimidate and scare Ruby. As you can also see, Ivarna is producing a moving over the shoulder shot following Ben into the room.

Here is Ivarna taking different angled shots of Ruby struggling in the kidnapped position. This actual shot is another over the shoulder shot. We used a range of close-ups, over the shoulder, long and medium shots to make sure we create the suspense successfully using the correct shots.

Friday, 9 November 2012


DEVELOPMENT- The script is written and drafted into a workable blueprint for a film.
Development for our film- We have not yet written a solid script however we are only creating a teaser trailer and we plan on including a non-diegetic voice over which will commentate our trailer.

PRE-PRODUCTION- preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and crew are hired, locations are selceted and sets are built.
Pre-production for our film- We have assigned people including ourselves to play certain characters in the film and we have also pin pointed all our locations as you can see on the location shot post. We have recruited friends and family to play small roles in our trailer. We have split our trialer up into several locations and we have also shot our opening scene which also allowed us to create our film poster.

PRODUCTION- The raw elements for the finished film are recorded.
Production for our film- we have not yet tackled the production stage as we wish to leave this to a later stage.

POST-PRODUCTION- the film is edited; production sound (dialogue) is concurrently (but seperately) edited, music tracks (and songs) are composed, performed and recorded, if a film is sought to have a score; sound effects are designed and recorded; and any other computer-graphic 'visual' effects are digitally added, all sound elements are mixed then married to picture and the film is fully completed.
Post-production for our film- because we are only producing a teaser trailer alot of this does not apply to us. We may include sound effects such as gun shots but little sound effects will be included. We will create or allocate music to our trailer however we wish to do this towards the end because we are currently focusing on shooting the film as well as creating a poster and magazine cover. Although most of the dialogue will be a voice-over, we may include small amounts of speech and this will be recorded as we shoot the scenes.

SALES AND DISTRIBUTION- The film is screened for potential buyers, is picked up by a distributor and reaces its cinema and/or home audience.
Sales and distribution for our film- once again we do not need to focus on sales and distribution that much because the main objective is the CREATION of an effective teaser trailer. Although we would maybe target smaller british cinemas rather than bigger screens like a hollywood movie. Our film includes low bugdet actors and is also linked in with the social-realism genre which makes it a perfect small british film.



After watching this trailer and knowing our plot and characters, you should be able to notice the massive similarites between this film and ours. We discovered this film after we developed our plot although it is a massive inspiration with regards to shooting our film. The plot contains codes and conventions like ours and is even structured simuarly:

  • The film starts the same as ours by showing the two business men/gangsters in their element. Living in the sunshine with their business running smoothly, they have a dream girl and their rich.
  • The main characters are two gangsters. Ben being 99% of the business is the brains of the operation and gives the orders. This character is similar to Johnny in dominance. Johnny thinks of the ideas and Mickey is the muscle of the operation. Mickey is typically like Sean, an aggresive character who provides the violence and follows the orders.
  • They include a similar diseqiulbrium, someone has a problem with the gangsters and there solution is to pick up on their weakness; the girlfriend. Like us, they have included a stereotypical naive trophy girl prone to danger.
  • Finally the motive and objective is the same, a mission on the streets to find and retrieve the beloved girl. The two gangsters set off into the urban streets talking to their connections and doing whatever it takes to find the whereabouts of their girl and get her back.


  • Definition: A teaser trailer, or just teaser, is a short trailer used to advertise an upcoming film, television program, video game, or product.
The difference between a teaser trailer and a theatrical trailer:
A teaser trailer is much shorter and is often used to help to advertise an up and coming film or other media form. It can be released months before the due date of the official film to help create anticipation and interest from the target audience. A theatrical trialer is a much more in depth well revised longer trailer which tells us more about  the plot of the film and gives us exact dates of when it will be out

Features of a teaser trailer:
  • The length of the trailer which is usually under two minutes
  • The producers and actors are exploited to create an interest from the audience
  • Exact dates are not given for the relase dates E.G. 'will be released in the spring'
Teaser trailer examples:

  • Under 2 minutes long
  • Main characters such as Daniel Craig exploited
  • Does not reveal the plot at all
  • Does provide us with the month of the movie however no specific date

  • Under 2 minutes
  • Does not provide any of the plot
  • no speicific date allows us to know it will be released summer 2013
  • exploites the main character with a voice over which allows us to know who the main character is

Monday, 5 November 2012


Fortunately we have a wide range of propp's that allow us to portray a gangster's everyday lifestyle. Because of this, we have decided to give Johnny the last name 'TEECE' and also the nickname 'TEECEY'. The cars that we are including in our scene include the number plates 'T33C3Y' and 'T9ECE', therefore changing our characters lastname and providing a nickname works to attach him to the vehicles and also make everything a little bit more personal to Johnny.

This is johnny's main car that we will use in certain scenes to represent and connote power in Johnny's life. The car is big and expensive like most things in Johnny's life and gives him powerful status. As you can see the number plate states 'T33C3Y', most gangster's have nicknames or alter ego's inorder to shadow their real identity and create a more mysterious second-self.

JOHNNY TEECE becomes TEECEY, the Uk's most powerful drug baron/gangster.


Our group worked together to construct a film pitch powerpoint presentation which we then presented and filmed in order to show you and the audience what our film includes and just give a general inshight into our filming ideas. The pitch includes:

- Genre
- Target audience
- Inspiration
- Plot
- Title
- Log line
- Production company
- Characters
- Costume & Props
- Locations
- USP (unique selling point)