Monday 24 September 2012


After spending the first couple of lessons researching and discussing different genres, our group has finally came to a conclussion for our teaser trailer. For this year we will be creating and putting together a teaser triler for a GANGER/CRIME genre film.

We researched different movies of the same genre and watched other teaser trailers just to make sure we have a good idea of what we're producing. We looked at other films such as LOCK STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS, SNATCH, CASINO, LAYER CAKE and other examples however they are the ones we found most inspiring.


Although we have not decided on a definate plot, we have brainstormed a variety of ideas together and came to the conclussion that we wish to include some form of a kidnapping/ransom scenario. Because of this, i suggested watching the trailer for the film TAKEN because it includes suimular codes and conventions and may be useful to watch.

As you can see from this clip it includes a kidnapping, guns, crime and gangsters. Although the film focuses on the return of the kidnapped girl and not the gangster side, it is still a useful trailer for our project.

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