Tuesday 2 October 2012



This is our groups questionnaire which we intend to give out to various people and hopefully receive some satisfying results that will help us adapt on our ideas for our plot. Most of the questions revolve around our genre so hopefully other people perceptions of GANGSTER/CRIME genre movies will help develop ours. Results will be posted soon!

Media questionnaire

1.    How old are you? ……….


2.    What gender are you?    Male               Female 

3.    Have you watched any crime and gangster films? Yes          No            If yes, what

crime and gangster films have you watched?     ………………..


4.     Do you like the crime and gangster genre?   Yes           No            If yes,

why?      ..............

5.    What conventions do you expect to see in crime and gangster films?

6.    How often do you go to the cinema?



What sort of cinema do you go to?     Independent              Multiplex/IMAX (e.g. Cineworld)  

8.    Who is your favourite director?  ……………….                Why? ………………….

9.    Why do you choose to watch films at the cinema instead of at home?

10.   What location would you expect to see a crime and gangster to be set in?

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