Monday 5 November 2012


Fortunately we have a wide range of propp's that allow us to portray a gangster's everyday lifestyle. Because of this, we have decided to give Johnny the last name 'TEECE' and also the nickname 'TEECEY'. The cars that we are including in our scene include the number plates 'T33C3Y' and 'T9ECE', therefore changing our characters lastname and providing a nickname works to attach him to the vehicles and also make everything a little bit more personal to Johnny.

This is johnny's main car that we will use in certain scenes to represent and connote power in Johnny's life. The car is big and expensive like most things in Johnny's life and gives him powerful status. As you can see the number plate states 'T33C3Y', most gangster's have nicknames or alter ego's inorder to shadow their real identity and create a more mysterious second-self.

JOHNNY TEECE becomes TEECEY, the Uk's most powerful drug baron/gangster.

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